Goizeko eguzki argiak agur egitean esna da nere biotza berakin batean. Ixilpean sortu bazait maitasun bero indarra zerutik jetxitako ontasun ederra. Udaberriko loreak, ongi etorriak! Atozkit maiterik maite, guztiz eder zale; zurekin izatea Jaunak al lezake… Beti zurekin, beti! Itxaropen pozgarria, orain ta geroko; lore aize ta izarretan alkar izateko. Itxasoan lañua, mendian elurra… Beste gabe bizi naiz. Betiko zoruna ilargiz betea, datorkit eskura. | As the morning sunlight makes its greeting, my heart becomes alert (awakens) at the same time. Silently I conceive that I can love warmly and strongly with strength from heaven descending, good and beautiful. Flowers of Spring (I) welcome (you)! Come to me among lovers all things eager of beauty; the Lord be with you... Always with you, always! Promising expectation now holds my future, allowing that together we can share the air of the flowers and stars. The mist on the sea, the snow on the mountains, I need no more to live. Eternal bliss, the full moon, comes to me. |