Alta nubes illustrata solis rutilo fulgore suo candore, suo candore nitescit, rubescit auræ placidæ lætantur Gratiæ lumine exornata solis rutilo fulgore suo candore, suo candore nitescit, rubescit auræ placidæ lætantur auræ placidæ lætantur, lætantur Gratiæ lumine exornata fulget anima nitendo ipsi cœli amplius gaudendo suum candorem admirantur suum candorem admirantur Alta nubes illustrata solis rutilo fulgore suo candore, suo candore nitescit, rubescit auræ placidæ lætantur Alta nubes illustrata solis rutilo fulgore suo candore, suo candore nitescit, rubescit auræ placidæ lætantur auræ placidæ lætantur, lætantur | The grand,1 bright cloud Of the sun with its golden-red splendour With its great brilliance, with its great brilliance Begins to glow, to turn golden-red Gentle zephyrs are caused to rejoice In grace by light adorned Of the sun with its golden-red splendour With its great brilliance, with its great brilliance Begins to glow, to turn golden-red Gentle zephyrs are caused to rejoice Gentle zephyrs are caused to rejoice, are caused to rejoice In grace by light adorned Spirit shines in the radiance The heavens themselves in great pleasure Its brilliance admire Its brilliance admire The grand, bright cloud Of the sun with its golden-red splendour With its great brilliance, with its great brilliance Begins to glow, to turn golden-red Gentle zephyrs are caused to rejoice The grand, bright cloud Of the sun with its golden-red splendour With its great brilliance, with its great brilliance Begins to glow, to turn golden-red Gentle zephyrs are caused to rejoice Gentle zephyrs are caused to rejoice, are caused to rejoice |