Atto 1, Scena 8 La mia gloria e l'amor mio chi del pari audace offende mi rivegga e tremi ancor. Dio dell'armi, cieco dio, assistete chi difende dolce fiama, illustre onor. Atto 2, Scena 1 Vedrem se possa mio brando invitto dell'empio far strage crudel. D'un padre nemico, punito il delitto, sol chiamo, sol bramo la figlia fedel. | Act 1, Scene 8 My glory and my love who with equal audacity offends will see me again and tremble again. God of arms, blind god, assist those who defend sweet flame, illustrious honour. Act 2, Scene 1 We'll see if my undefeated sword can bring about a cruel slaughter of the evil man. An enemy father, punished for the crime, is all I call for, is all I desire, the faithful daughter. |