1. Aria. O qui coeli terraeque serenitas et fons lucis et arbiter es, Unde regis aeterna tua sidera mitis considera nostra vota, clamores et spes. 2. Recitativo. Fac ut sordescat tellus dum respicimus coelum; fac ut bona superna constanter diligamus et sperantes aeterna. Quidquid caducum est odio habeamus. 3. Aria. Rosa quae moritur, unda quae labitur, mundi delicias docent fugaces. Vix fronte amabili mulcent cum labili pede praetervolant larvae fallaces. 4. Alleluia. | 1. Aria O whoever is the serenity of heaven and earth, you are the source of light and judgment. Wherever you rule eternally, your stars mercifully consider our wishes, cries and hopes. 2. Recitativo. They make the earth worthless as they look at heaven; They make as if resolutely holding dear the good of above, hoping for eternity. Let us hate that which will likely fail. 3. Aria. The rose that dies, the wave that breaks, worldly delights they teach the flighty: With just an amiable face, they pacify, flying past on unfounded foot, deceptive demons. 4. Alleluia. |